all postcodes in CA2 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA2 6AA 59 0 54.884329 -2.945251
CA2 6AB 15 0 54.883815 -2.94435
CA2 6AD 2 0 54.883571 -2.94533
CA2 6AE 1 0 54.883263 -2.944836
CA2 6AF 2 0 54.880342 -2.971939
CA2 6AG 27 0 54.88271 -2.945431
CA2 6AH 12 0 54.881795 -2.949899
CA2 6AJ 57 0 54.880516 -2.945676
CA2 6AL 40 1 54.881483 -2.947273
CA2 6AN 16 0 54.881876 -2.952083
CA2 6AR 1 1 54.875357 -2.956028
CA2 6AU 8 0 54.873767 -2.960557
CA2 6AW 1 0 54.880544 -2.95467
CA2 6AX 4 0 54.872501 -2.959217
CA2 6BB 26 0 54.869862 -2.954277
CA2 6BD 6 2 54.870571 -2.95325
CA2 6BE 12 0 54.870196 -2.952668
CA2 6BG 12 0 54.870332 -2.951593
CA2 6BH 3 0 54.869947 -2.95149
CA2 6BJ 26 0 54.868771 -2.953227